MERN: Workshop - Session 1a - Introduction

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 | Permalink

Welcome to the first session of the MARN Workshop and in specific 1a of the today's session. This is a day long session where we'll talk/learn about the following topics.

  • Introduction
  • JavaScript
  • ES6
  • Node
  • NPM
  • Basics of Express

You can consider these topics as the sub-sections of today's session. We'll talk about the particular topic and then will give you some space to do the practice or ask questions in form of discussion.

This is an introductory session. We're going to touch these mentioned topics in introductory way, without going more details. The plan with this introductory session is to get you started with MERN and more specifically with Node. Learning each and everything at one go make this session boring and distracting! We're going to learn/talk MERN like child learn natural language, just start to use without knowing the exact details of pronunciations and grammar! Don't worry, we have enough sessions in this workshop to cover the details to make you expert programmer.

Ready? Let's get started with Introduction.


In this sub-session, we're going to welcome you and give you a brief introduction on what MERN stack is and why it is popular while confirming the prerequisites for the workshop.

Welcome to the MERN Workshop. I'm Kiran and I'm your instructor for this workshop. In this sub-session, we're going talk about MERN as acronym, what it is popular, and why you should consider MERN as serious option for your career as web developer.

Before we start, following are the assumption we already made about all of you.

  • You have installed the all needed software mentioned previously.
  • You're web developer.
  • You know JavaScript.

Okay! So, M-E-R-N or MERN, what is it and what it stands for? Anybody know? Yeah, right -

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

But not in this particular order! I mean we're not going to learn these technologies in this mentioned order.

Let me ask you another question after knowing what MERN stands for - Why MERN only, what not P (of PHP) or D (of DotNet)? I mean one can easily create an application using PHP and React or DotNet and MongoDB. But, still these options are less popular (like acronym) than compare to MERN. You'll not hear PRM (PHP, REACT, MySQL) or DRM (DotNet, React, MonogoDB). Why? Anybody know?

The reason is JavaScript. Take a section look at the stack.

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

You see the common thing between all these four technologies? Yes, all these mentioned technologies use JavaScript as the language to write the code (directly or indirectly).

If you take a look at the agenda of this session then you'll find that we'll start with JavaScript even though we have made assumption about you that you know JavaScript! Because, we think JavaScript is essential for this workshop and covering a little bit JavaScript in the first session wouldn't hurt!

With this we just mark the end of first sub-session "Introduction" of today's session. After a small break we'll start second sub-session "JavaScript". Question?
